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Combine Camps

Are You Ready to Make Your Mark?

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July 11th – July 13th, 2025
(Datum:  11-13 července 2025)
USD $250 (5000 CZK)
USD $250 (Přibližně CZK 6.000 )
Kapka Resort, Vsetin
Zimní stadion: Kapka Resort  ve Vsetíně :  Lhota u Vsetína 307, 755 01 Lhota u Vsetína, Czechia
2006, 2007, 2008, and Elite 2009

ROČNÍKY NAROZENÍ :  2005 do 2010

( 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)

  • 1 team jersey and socks to keep
  • 1 team practice (60 minutes)
  • 1 position specific practice (45 minutes)
  • 3 games per team (75 minutes)
  • Hockey player/parent info session
  • Q/A period with scouts/organizations
  • Opportunity to interact with organizations
  • Týmový dres a štulpny, které si může hráč ponechat
  • 1 Trénink specifický pro tým a pozici (Brankář, Obránce, Útočník) – v délce 90 minut
  • 4 Scouting (Evaluační) zápasy (každý v délce 90 minut)
  • Informační schůzka pro hokejisty a rodiče
  • Otázky a odpovědi : Setkání se skauty a organizacemi
  • Příležitost se seznámit a komunikovat s jednotlivými organizacemi

Confirmed Coaches and Scouts

Comfirmed attendance from organizations in the NCAA, USHL, WHL, NAHL, AJHL, BCHL, NCDC, USPHL, and ACHA.

Justin Reynolds Scout Sioux City Musketeers USHL
Matt Tassone Skills Coach Drumheller Dragons AJHL
Alex Orr Scout Olds Grizzlies AJHL
Jason Stewart Scout Edmonton Oil Kings WHL
Tomas Kapusta Senior Scout Aberdeen Wings NAHL
Brayden Toma Scout Saskatoon Blades WHL
Steve March Scout Swift Current Broncos WHL
. . . . .

Find and Recruit Top Talent

Combine camps are an excellent way for hockey coaches and scouts to find talented players. With combine camps, scouts and coaches have the opportunity to evaluate a large group of players in a variety of drills and settings. This gives them the opportunity to get an accurate evaluation of the player’s individual abilities and skills. The drills used at combine camps are designed to simulate game-like scenarios, which give the evaluators a better understanding of how the player will perform in a game setting.


Download Schedule

Dates: July 11th – July 11th, 2025

Location: Kapka Resort, Vsetin

Friday: (there is no other ice available)

7:45-9:15 pm

9:30—11 pm


9-10:30 am/ 10:45-12:15 pm 

3- 4:30 pm/ 4:45-6:15 pm

The birthdays should be 2010-2005 

Goalie Coach will be present


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